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Boron One Holdings Inc V.BONE

Alternate Symbol(s):  ERVFF

Boron One Holdings Inc. is a Canada-based international mineral exploration and development company with its assets in Serbia. The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of its resource properties. Its project includes Piskanja. Piskanja is located in a historical mining region with infrastructure for mining, including roads, rail, electric power, experienced miners, and others. The site is situated 250 kilometers (km) south of Belgrade, Serbia, accessible by paved roads. Lithology at Piskanja is typical of sedimentary basins, primarily consisting of shales, marls, and limestone, with two primary gently undulating borate beds. The mineralization is primarily dense, compact colemanite with some ulexite. The Company’s subsidiary is Balkan Gold Corp.

TSXV:BONE - Post by User

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  • ListenandLearnX
Comment by ListenandLearnon Nov 01, 2024 7:35am
Post# 36291919

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:I'm pleased to announce that after the news release.

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:I'm pleased to announce that after the news release.



We really have 2 very different interpretations of most of the facts.

- I do agree that the Piskanja's exploitation license will be awarded to BONE. The timeline remains uncertain but around January 2025 seems about right. You seem way more convinced than I about Partners(s) and off-takers but I think regardless of agreements, we will see some positive SP movement but it will be hampered by selling of all these cheap PP holders.

- You stated many times that Pobrdje's license will be awarded to BONE before it's awarded the Piskanja license. I don't believe that will happen. Certainly not in the short-term. Yes, I know about the Canadian ambassador's visit..... 

- I think you're way off about the complexity of managing BONE.
But what I asked specifically is why is Tim's wife getting paid almost as much as BONE's CFO ? MD&A states marketing and administrative work ? Marketing? That's funny! What marketing ? BONE doesn't sell anything ! I hope you're not suggesting marketing the BONE brand?!?! The other tasks you mention are either done by the CFO, auditors or low-level administration employees.
You don't seem to realize that Senka is getting paid more than 5 times the average salary in her country... Her salary along with Tim's are a big reason why BONE keeps doing all these PPS.

Anyway, no need to answer me, we'll never agree. I think, in the short term, one of us might reconsider his position once we see what happens after the license is issued. Namely Pobrdje, partner(s) and offtakers. I hope it's me, I like your projected outcome. I'll talk to you then....

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