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Purebread Brands Inc V.BRED

Purebread Brands Inc., formerly Coho Collective Kitchens Inc., is a Canada-based commercial real estate and food technology company. The Company serves commercial real estate and food technology, operating fast-casual cafes, bakeries, and shared-kitchen facilities. The Company's brand includes Purebread and Coho Commissary. Its family of brands helps the food and beverage entrepreneurs to scale and gain exposure by offering facilities, equipment, and support through its network of commissary kitchens, retail spaces, and restaurants. Purebread is a handmade bakery with breads, treats, and savories for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Coho Commissary is designed to support a variety of entrepreneurs in launching or growing a food production or food delivery businesses.

TSXV:BRED - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by westshoreon Oct 02, 2024 11:40pm
Post# 36251046


Tanking!Interesting company.Interesting concept!
Unfortunately - the last quarter filing explains the selloff.
Debt ratio climbing near 200% to equity.
Revenue is up 200% over 2023
But their operating cost is up 100%.
Still overall some positive(in the revenue increase)
But cash @ 0-they need finance Asap -I guess.
250 k of receivables-?will not go far.
With all the paper out on this already-I expect a consolidation.
Probably the only way they can get it done.
I will be a vulture-wait for the weakness (hopefully not death)
Raising capital today-difficult and expensive.
Call the doctor-this is needs life support!Sick In Bed Smileys

Bullboard Posts