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Some clarity on the preferred shares was provided by the CFO - they are just opening up the option at this point in time as a means of potential financing. But there is no immediate plans to issue. They also talked about the cash being held for a potential acquisition, as opposed to dividends, and that this could be the best way to create shareholder value. They stressed that making an acquisition is the easy part, finding the right company is where they practice due diligence and this can be more difficult. Also a new "Dry Scubber" product line was also introduced. They seem to be intentional keeping this on the down low. I have to research this a bit more. Also mentioned were emerging research projects with Universities in Quebec I believe. The New York City Pilot was touched on briefly as well. Overall I am impressed with the CEO, his industry knowledge, and the forward looking vision for the company. I am completely comfortable holding and seeing where this can go.
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