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gcap1 on May 13, 2021 1:14pm
ALL i got from this is we have nothing to report and probably will have nothing to report for a very long time .....things are not good economically ....but hey thanks for investing with our crappy company we hope you don't lose too much money ...anyways i'm kind of busy here playing ping pong in the office with one of my associates .....GL on your "investment"
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Freedom1966 on May 13, 2021 1:20pm
Fuc what is it with you ..., are u on crack ?? Cielo will be fine with or without u but go get help seriously
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easydough on May 13, 2021 1:21pm
What do you expect them to say?? Drop by the office tomorrow, and we'll tell you if you should by or sell. Give me a break, moron!!
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Freedom1966 on May 13, 2021 1:33pm
10 million volume in 4 hrs .. WOW !!!
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TradeTracer on May 14, 2021 4:04am
This right here is what truly scares me about this market The amount of errors made in facts as well as the get rich quick expectations of all of these people on the boards nowadays is tenfold to what I've ever seen Patience and basic fundamentals have been tossed out and burned to be replaced by following hip and trendy fads