Comment by illusion81on Aug 15, 2024 10:03am

Post# 36180387
RE:No guarantees as to the timing....
RE:No guarantees as to the timing....They got burned one too many times on estimating how long this process was going to take. Eric is probably the most guilty out of the bunch. Unfortunately, he's the guy they sent to all the public events where he again threw out dates that they probably had no way of knowing at the time that they could meet. He was most likely just throwing out estimates based on what he thought it was still going to take based on where they were in the process at the time, but this is a complex process in a very volitile market at the moment. My guess is that this is one of the reasons why we haven't heard much out of Eric lately as his heart was in a good place trying to calm investors, but in the end it would always come back to bite him. At the last AGM he had the most votes cast against him that I have seen since he joined on with CRE, so it's clear investors are no longer interested in his estimated timelines. With JSL it's a very different story as he will never give you a date / month they are targeting as it's clear that they don't know as it's not all in their control. It's clear that they have ball park range that they are currently working towards to get things finalized by as they have publically stated their current targeted in production date. So you can work backwards from that date, to get your ballpark date, but again all of this comes with no guarantees as it's not all in their control. Hence, the statement made in the last release.