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Critical Elements Lithium Corp V.CRE

Alternate Symbol(s):  CRECF

Critical Elements Lithium Corporation is a Canada-based lithium exploration company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development and processing of critical minerals mining properties in Canada. Its projects include Rose Lithium-Tantalum, Rose North, Rose South, Arques, Bourier, Dumulon, Duval, Nisk, Lemare, Caumont, and Valiquette. The Rose Lithium-Tantalum property consists of over 473 claims covering a total area of over 24.99 square kilometers (km2). It lies in the northeastern part of Superior Province, within the Eastmain greenstone belt. The Rose North property consists of about 31 claims covering a total area of over 16.14 km2. The Arques Property is composed of one block totaling around 136 claims covering an area of 6,840.93 hectares (ha) over 18 kilometers (kms) in length in a Southwest-Northeast direction. Bourier Property is comprised of over 304 claims with an area of 15,616.47 ha for over 30 kms. Rose South property consists of over 280 claims.

TSXV:CRE - Post by User

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  • monkeyhere171X
Comment by monkeyhere171on Sep 10, 2024 4:31pm
Post# 36217361

RE:Again Ev sales have not slowed

RE:Again Ev sales have not slowed Can we verify the sources of this article? It's just a guy that put something together. Let's check some reputable sources from Europe and USA:

EU electric car sales stall as Germany lifts its foot off the pedall – “Electric car registrations for the European Union in July saw a fall of 10.8%, according to newly released figures from the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA)”

U.S. share of electric and hybrid vehicle sales increased in the second quarter of 2024 – “Combined U.S. sales of hybrid vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and battery electric vehicles (BEVs) increased from 17.8% of total new light-duty vehicle (LDV) sales in 1Q24 to 18.7% in 2Q24,”

As per the above, in the WEST, where we are interested, the sales have stalled, and the increase does not justify the investments and returns needed for now. As such all these factories, outputs, etc. are pushed by 1- 2 yrs for now, maybe more to see how the market will transform,. The NA BEV market was supposed to keep doubling but instead, the growth is marginal and not sufficient to sustain the large capital investments. Also, as per the article for NA, EIA says hybrids are the main reason for the growth, not BEV. Maybe that’s what North America wants so less demand is projected.
China DOES have the BEV market keep increasing, but that's not helpful, On the other side it does harm the NA market as the main buyer for LITH remains China and they control the prices. Mind that in China you can buy BYD for $15K so owning an electric car there is actually cheaper than having an ICE car.

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