Comment by bigopson Sep 30, 2024 2:16pm

Post# 36247123
RE:RE:RE:RE:Nice bump up at the close! .42 cents
RE:RE:RE:RE:Nice bump up at the close! .42 centsHey Revand...who joined Stockhouse will likely need to prepare yourself for a lawsuit because you are a fake person who does not own stock who was created to pretend to validate MonkeyBrain's propoganda.....
On the good news front - I heard that MonkeyBrain has graduated from diapers to huge congrats champ ;).
CRE is following the trajectory of all Li companies -- the spot price is firming, the shut ins have happened....demand is stable and growing in the sector -- classic commodity turn around at the inflection points.
Patience here and in all Li names will be rewarded.
Phew -- if youv'e read this far Monkey and Revand (same person or bot?) then I applaud you -- you must really be learning a looooot in skool to get here...
Cheers Champ(s)
And GLTA (sincerely....)