Comment by monkeyhere171on Nov 10, 2024 9:07am

Post# 36305177
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Management Illusion, you are pumping a dead horse, but refuse to accept it. CRE is not unique, just look very close to then
m - James Bay - same area, requirements, got same permits and approvals AND are building now and will enter production. So what CRE did (obtain permit) is not miracle!
What they didn't do is being transparent with shareholders- how many of you would have left is they have said they work on financing but have no timeline?? A lot!
Instead they lied to shareholders - financing was to come 'instantaneously' after permit as Haber put it, then JSL was smiling and said End of year, then was Q1'23 and then conservative timeline of September'23. Yet no word why all failed, no word on all the NDA in place, etc. Even the IR guy jumped ship as he was probably tired of lying about it. I have called and emailed when may times before deciding to sell everything and turn bear. Was keep pointing well before everything went downhill to sell but all pumpers like you wrote profanities and no real investment advice - only it takes time, you are not in the room, etc. Again - no one is going to fork $600M in this environment and once Trump starts to roll back environmental policies, this will collapse further.
And yet again, you are proving yourself as omitting information- shares are not around 200M, they are around $280M so 50% more. Go compare other miners loke FL, PMET etc, not much difference but their resources are much larger.
So still here, to counter the pumping