Comment by Wheeleron Nov 27, 2024 4:01pm
Post# 36334362
RE:RE:RE:Pretty quiet
RE:RE:RE:Pretty quiet Even though there's not much to talk about I will throw it out there, despite the fact that many on this board will laugh and/or scoff at me: there actually has been a lot of buying (and yes an equal amount of selling) over the past few months at these levels. There seems to be a reasonable amount of support and many large bids, I can't help but think that there might possibly be some bigger names buying cre shares as a way to get a chunk of pnpn. I believe that at some point pnpn will get bought up by a bigger name and that bigger name is going to want 100% of the Nisk, not just 80%. I said it here before, it might just be pnpn that pulls cre out of the dumpster. Just my own opinion, feel free to cut me up, I hate this company too.