Comment by HopeIBoughtLowon Dec 20, 2024 12:30pm

Post# 36372407
RE:RE:VW signs deal with Patriot Battery Metals for C$69 mln
RE:RE:VW signs deal with Patriot Battery Metals for C$69 mlnA deal would be great. A German deal would be great. Another MOU that locks up CRE and scares off others who want to and are ready to help pay to finance a mine is NOT what we want. The right deal is what matters and we need someone who doesn't want to deal in memorandums of understanding. We need to hear the beep beep beep of a money truck backing up. They need to be in it for the "right now" and "see you in 24 months when we are wanting our SC6%".
No time to entertain wishful things with a wait and see stance anymore. Sh1t or get off the pot as my grandmother would say. (Sorry grandma...RIP).
DYODD but I think when things heat up we will want the people with the real intention to be able to get closer to the fire. That time is drawing nearer all the time.