TSXV:CSX.H - Post by User
Post by up2005on Aug 31, 2022 3:01pm

Post# 34933293
A day into the USA’s largest Ag Show - Farm Progress Show
A day into the USA’s largest Ag Show - Farm Progress ShowHad hoped (wishful thinking) that attendees would see the Max Seeder 48/15 in action and run to their brokers to take a small position in a publicly traded company competing with CASE, John Deere, CAT, etc... at a ridiculous entry point of $ .16 cents, YET we sit at 11 trades on 34,000 shares. Why is this company not finding an audience? Waiting for further news on the Mini-Max and the trials ongoing in India. The monsoon season and 1/3 of India being under water must have delayed further demonstrations. One challenge after another.