TSXV:CSX.H - Post by User
Comment by Getagrip41son Sep 19, 2023 8:30pm

Post# 35644466
RE:I was sounding off, not pointing fingers at IR.
RE:I was sounding off, not pointing fingers at IR.I hear that and I agree you can't blame IR. I think anyone trying to do that job for any deal needs to have something tangible at least once a month to keep people interested. There hasn't been anything tangible here or at least anything tangible that has any follow through. The only thing we can rely on is low liquidity and undeserved salaries for some management (CEO) but not all. Looking forward to the pressure of year end tax loss selling to inhibit any hope of a pop to .30
Anyway, it's a lottery ticket at this point and so far haven't had much success with those either.