Remember me
We might have enough money to pay management for now, but I imagine that the most pressing thing that management (mostly Lempriere) thinks about every morning is "how are we gonna keep my paycheque alive?"! As shareholders, we are owners of this company! I think Lempriere thinks this is HIS company but it isn't anymore. His share position isn't nearly as strong as it first was and that's because of financing dilution. He has to keep begging IR (poor Mark) to find a shady broker to raise money. I am done!
I was thinkin today, $200/k per year, less at least 6 weeks holiday Lempriere takes ( and that's being conservative) works out to about $800 per day that we as the shareholders of this joke show are paying the leader. $800 per day!!! It anyone knows someone that makes $800 per day, year after year, that consistently doesn't produce, please share! And he has no expenses. I want transparency on expense accounts! We all should! I want out. To heck with it, cut my losses, post an offer and expect nothing as usual!