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Clean Seed Capital Group Ltd V.CSX.H

Alternate Symbol(s):  CLGPF

Clean Seed Capital Group Ltd. is a Canada-based creator of SMART Seeder technology, as well as additional complementary technologies. It operates in the precision seeding and planting segment of the agriculture industry. It creates solutions to address agricultural problems by developing commercially viable products which improve agricultural outcomes. Its SMART Seeder technologies are seeding and planting platforms that utilize the synergy of electronic metering and intuitive software control putting row-by-row variable rate technology at the forefront of agricultural innovation. Its SMART Seeder MAX is designed to offer precision and flexibility in the seeding and planting operation. It focuses on commercialize the SMART Seeder technology as an extended line of SMART Seeder MAX models consisting of the MAX-4, MAX-5 and MAX-S. SMART Seeder MAX-S is for the large grain market in North America. Its scaled down model of the SMART Seeder MAX, the Mini-MAX, is for developing countries.

TSXV:CSX.H - Post by User

Comment by BigFizzon May 02, 2024 2:05pm
Post# 36019978

RE:No news

RE:No news

I just talked to Colliers Canada. Clean seed has been evicted from the industrial properties they were leasing in Saskatoon for lack of rent payment. 

looks like there toast . 

uts over people. 


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