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Cytophage Technologies Ltd V.CYTO

Alternate Symbol(s):  CPTCF

Cytophage Technologies Ltd. is a Canadian biotechnology company. The Company uses advanced molecular genetic techniques and synthetic biology to create bacteriophages to address bacterial challenges affecting animal health, human health, and food security. Bacteriophages are viruses that have evolved to specifically target and destroy strictly bacterial cells and are safe for humans, animals, and plants. To combat dangerous bacteria, the Company generates customized phages to address specific bacterial infections, including strains resistant to antibiotics. It has also developed a phage-display methodology to develop vaccine-like products using bacteriophages for a number of potential applications in human and animal health. Its products include FarmPhage, AviPhage, PhageFend, and BoviPhage. FarmPhage is a water-soluble phage solution for livestock. AviPhage is poultry health products offered by the Company.

TSXV:CYTO - Post by User

Comment by cklv0on Apr 24, 2024 3:52pm
Post# 36005757

RE:Expecting news re

RE:Expecting news reThere has been no updates on the Asian business which started last year? Wonder if there was a problem with the testing? 
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