Post by
cloclaude on Apr 10, 2019 9:55am
can you tell me where you fond all the money to operate no contract .sit at table and look at that them platform for year
Comment by
Newstockie on Apr 10, 2019 10:32am
Pretty impressive isnt it!!! I guess roger isnt a stupid as must of you here think he is. Talk about running a company so lean, let's not forget the multinillion dollar office as well. Just a matter of time before this baby gets rolling. Bohemian will be in our rearview mirror begging for mercy.
Comment by
bohemian61 on Apr 12, 2019 12:35am
The money to pay the bills incurred by CYX come from Mr. Forde's own pocket which then are recovered by him once a private placement is complete .You can find that information in the financials posted by CYX .