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EF EnergyFunders Ventures Inc V.EFV.H

Alternate Symbol(s):  EFVIF

EF EnergyFunders Ventures, Inc. is an oil and natural gas company. The Company has assets located in both the United States and in Canada. The Company’s Canadian oil and gas reserves are located seven miles northeast of Red Deer, Alberta in sections 22 and 23, township 39, range 26 W4M. The Company’s American oil and gas reserves are located in Polk County, Texas.

TSXV:EFV.H - Post by User

Comment by Stoogeon Apr 14, 2021 1:22pm
Post# 32993598


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:insidersWhen companies trade at less than five cents I believe they can be delisted from the exchange depending on circumstances. When that applies, the choices are to roll back or get delisted.

Paleo's consolidation history is 1:8 in 2003 and 1:8 in 2010. Please, stay tuned .....
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