Post by
WernHerr on Mar 31, 2023 10:35am
March presentation; Institutionals
Sheet 10,11 shows pictures of site per last December
Sheet 33 shows Institutionals of 25%, Management 5%. Freeflow with 70% (last was 90% in the past)
Comment by
MTwallet on Mar 31, 2023 12:32pm
The big number on that sheet that's ominous is the 47,000,000$ in debt. Would like to know how much of that is locked in, compared to variable and also when the terms are up. Is the future revenue able to sustain that debt as well. Should be a interesting conference call Monday. Hopefully some guidance
Comment by
greenstar1 on Mar 31, 2023 1:16pm
Correct me if I am misinterpreting this, but based on a recent news release it says 8.99% senior secured convertible notes due February 2028 (the “Notes”). So 2028 is one of your answers and 8.99% is the other.
Comment by
WernHerr on Apr 01, 2023 6:02am
For my opinion your are right greenstar1 Financing by secured cnvertible notes is not bad, especially if you take into account the looming "credit crunch" or at least the continuing rise in financing costs.
Comment by
dothemathpeople on Apr 05, 2023 8:27am
You are both wrong. Debt financing should always be avoided, when possible. It is a crusher, and skews the priority of "shareholdeds' rights. The conversion clause can also be a killer. So can the interest charged. More importantly, did i read that right that ELBM only has $8.5M cash??? THAT is some high temp burn rate.
Comment by
Silverad0 on Apr 03, 2023 7:55pm
The arial photo points to an open multi story stucture "Chrstalizer" Are they showing an old photo becasue the chrystaliser is still not installed? I noticed the web site verbage makes little mention of cobalt and seems to play up nickle sulfied. Whats next? Trent and company are INCOMPETANT on a scale verging on criminal. IMO of course.