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Giyani Metals Corp V.EMM

Alternate Symbol(s):  CATPF

Giyani Metals Corp. is a battery metal development company. It produces sustainable, low carbon high purity battery-grade manganese for the electric vehicle (EV) industry. It has developed a hydrometallurgical process to produce battery-grade high-purity manganese sulphate monohydrate (HPMSM), a lithium-ion battery cathode precursor material critical for EVs, directly from ore supplied by its own manganese oxide (MnO) deposits. These include the K.Hill Battery-Grade Manganese Project, the Otse MnO prospect (Otse) and the Lobatse MnO prospect (Lobatse). The K.Hill Project, Otse, and Lobatse are located in the Kanye Basin of south-eastern Botswana (the Kanye Basin Prospects) and held through Menzi Battery Metals (Pty) Limited, a subsidiary of the Company. Its segments include Botswana Battery Metals Project for the exploration, evaluation and development of its battery-grade manganese assets located in Botswana and the demonstration plant under construction in South Africa and Corporate.

TSXV:EMM - Post by User

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  • DrWolverineX
Post by DrWolverineon Jul 29, 2021 12:34pm
Post# 33623642

Patience will be rewarded....

Patience will be rewarded....

Nobody on this board has been in the stock longer than I have and I get frustrated and irritated also. But here’s what I think is going on and gives me solice.
VW is doing most of driving on this, I think more than any of the institutions desire to increase their or their clients holdings.
Based on VoltsWagon's desire and the overall EV marketplace's desire, we switched our end product from Mn metal (EMM) to Mn salt (Manganese Sulfate MnSo4).  Therefore, I assume, we have had to redesign the demonstration plant to qualify as one of VW's 2nd tier supplier chain.  This also greatly changes the ESIA and Feasibility Study requirements adding to the timeline. IMHO the government has shortened the review process to secure VW for our benefit and therefore theirs. Also this would HAVE to change the paperwork needed to be filed with the TSX with regard to our uplisting. All of the above contributing to and resulting in delays. VW is the key IMO and when Robin pulls this off, we all make BIG money. 
This is just one man's opinion, I could be wrong.

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