Comment by ytriguyon Jun 21, 2021 7:25pm

Post# 33424949
RE:RE:I WOULDN'T BE TOO CONCERNED Maybe you missed it, but when the FEDS mentioned inflation it sent the markets and gold prices into a tailspin. Over $1000 per ounce drop in gold price and all gold miners were impacted. So you're right, it wasn't just the drill results.
If you buy at the current price you could bring your average investment down considerably. It's what I did.
Why would anyone say IT'S OVER when Arc is still drilling? No miner gets great results every drill hole and no stock goes up every day. If they hit a seam this stock will go up faster than it came down. Also, less than a million shares traded today. All it takes is 5 or 6 skittish investors, and penny stocks are full of them.
The drop in Stock Price does nothing to change the fundamentals. So I sure wouldn't be selling at a loss at this point.