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First Atlantic Nickel Corp V.FAN

Alternate Symbol(s):  FANCF

First Atlantic Nickel Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company developing the 100%-owned Atlantic Nickel Project, a large-scale nickel deposit strategically located near existing infrastructure in Newfoundland, Canada. The Project's nickel occurs as awaruite, a natural nickel-iron alloy containing approximately 75% nickel with no-sulfur and no-sulfides. The Project totals 21,850 hectares of wholly owned land, featuring multiple mineralized zones, and covers almost entire Pipestone Ophiolite Complex. Its Voisey's West project is located in the Churchill Province of Labrador and consists of Nickel-Copper-Cobalt-platinum-group elements (PGE) mineralization. Its Atlantis Project totals 13,675 hectares and covers a large ultramafic complex of potential mantle source, known as the St. Anthony Complex and White Hills. The Company also owns 100% interest in mining license 038152M, consisting of 12 mineral claims located in central Newfoundland, known as the RPM South claims.

TSXV:FAN - Post by User

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  • 2021GambleX
Post by 2021Gambleon Jul 26, 2021 1:06pm
Post# 33604820

News out from this morning....trenching

News out from this morning....trenching

ArcPacific Completes First Ever Trenching at Blackdome


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 26, 2021) - ArcPacific Resources Corp. (TSXV: ACP) ("ACP" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed the first ever trenching as part of a detailed mapping and sampling program at the Blackdome gold-silver project (the "Property") in British Columbia, Canada.

Trenching at the Stibnite Zone discovered new veins in outcrop that have now been exposed over 35 meters and show epithermal characteristics including banding, cockscomb and vuggy textures. The newly identified quartz veins strike in a northeast direction, are steeply dipping and are individually up to 60 centimeters wide. These newly exposed veins are on trend with auriferous quartz boulder trains, including historic samples grading 4.60 g/t gold, 3.09 g/t gold, 12.00 g/t gold, 16.00 g/t gold and 4.50 g/t gold (BC ARIS report 20462) traceable to the northeast for over 600 metres.

Trenching at the West Zone also successfully exposed epithermal quartz veining over an additional 10 meters from an outcrop occurrence historically containing 4.59 g/t gold from selective grab sample. The quartz veins in the West Zone are individually up to 20 centimetres wide and display epithermal characteristics including banding, bladed, chalcedonic and vuggy textures. The veins exposed in bedrock are on trend with auriferous epithermal quartz boulder trains (including historic samples grading 1.58 g/t gold and 1.37 g/t gold) and are traceable to the northeast for over 300 metres.

Samples taken from these zones were predominantly quartz and quartz carbonate vein material visually containing up to 1% fine grained pyrite+/-arsenopyrite+/-chalcopyrite. Massive stibnite was also observed in 1-4-centimeter seams in quartz vein margins at the Stibnite Zone. The continuous chip samples and rock grab samples from this initial program have been sent to ALS Geochemistry in Vancouver for 4-acid digestion with ICP-MS finish for multi-element analysis and Au 30g fire assay with.

The project area is characterized by shallow overburden with locally extensive outcrop areas and abundant subcrop. An anomalous open-ended 1 by 2-kilometre anomalous gold in soils anomaly exists in the west central area of the Property and extends over the zones sampled, likely representing proximal mineralization. The new veins identified in the phase one program highlight the potential for a new discovery and the mineralization style is similar to the style present at the 1.6-million-ounce gold deposit 60 kilometres to the north.

The Property covers a prospective 3,479 hectares over an epithermal gold-silver exploration target in Southern BC. The Property is 60 kilometres south of the 1.6-million-ounce gold Newton deposit, 20 kilometres south of the 5.3 billion pound copper and 13.3 million ounce gold New Prosperity deposit and 65 kilometres north of the prolific Bralorne gold camp in southern BC which has produced over 4 million ounces and remains as an active gold mining camp.

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