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First Atlantic Nickel Corp V.FAN

Alternate Symbol(s):  FANCF

First Atlantic Nickel Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company developing the 100%-owned Atlantic Nickel Project, a large-scale nickel deposit strategically located near existing infrastructure in Newfoundland, Canada. The Project's nickel occurs as awaruite, a natural nickel-iron alloy containing approximately 77% nickel with no-sulfur and no-sulfides. Its Voisey's West project is located about 50 kilometers (km) northwest of Voisey's Bay Ni-Cu-Co (nickel-copper-cobalt) mine and 70 km west of the town of Nain, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The property consists of about14 cells located near the town of Nain, Newfoundland and Labrador. The Company has a 100% interest of Lucky Mike property. It has the option to acquire a 100% interest in the Blackdome mineral property and Rey Lake Property. Its Atlantis Project totals approximately 13,675 hectares (ha). It also has the option to acquire a 100% interest in Pipestone Property-SSAF and Pipestone South Property.

TSXV:FAN - Post by User

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  • SunsetGrillX
Comment by SunsetGrillon Dec 02, 2024 9:35am
Post# 36340501

RE:RE:RE:RE:Unable to find any Insider Buying

RE:RE:RE:RE:Unable to find any Insider BuyingSame to you there Chipper - gee your way or the highway i guess huh? I was just making a point - if these results are so fantastic then I would think they would be buying. I think you should put your life savings into these upcoming results. Like the whole Island wasnt scoured for nickel  results after voiseys bay. On your way please.

BlueChipper2020 wrote: You are a nasty fellow. Move on and go somewhere else. Skin in the game. They are working for a junior mining company not Bank of America. You talk about skin in the game for them working for an entity with no revenue and most of these companies have little to no money.

These guys are educated professionals with lots of skin in the game. You are fool and nasty. 


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