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Finlay Minerals Ltd V.FYL

Alternate Symbol(s):  FYMNF

Finlay Minerals Ltd. is a Canada-based mining company. It is focused on the exploration and development of base and precious metal deposits in northern British Columbia. Its properties include Silver Hope Property, ATTY property, and PIL Gold Property. Its 100%-owned Silver Hope property covers approximately 213.11 square kilometers of ground surrounding the past-producing Equity Silver Mine in the prospective Skeena Arch region of central British Columbia. Its 100%-owned ATTY property covers approximately 44.98 square kilometers of sub-alpine terrain in the southern Toodoggone region. Its PIL-Gold Property covers approximately 170 square kilometers of highly prospective ground in the Toodoggone mining district of north-central British Columbia. The PIL Property is 25 km northwest of the former Kemess South Mine and property and is 15 kilometers (km) east of Benchmark Metal’s Lawyer’s Project. It also owns SAY Property, which comprises 18 mineral tenures totaling 10,587 hectares.

TSXV:FYL - Post by User

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  • yukon_goldX
Post by yukon_goldon May 09, 2024 9:50am
Post# 36030896

Finlay Minerals Posts Bullish MACD & CCI Charts

Finlay Minerals Posts Bullish MACD & CCI Charts

Finlay Minerals Ltd forms bullish "MACD" chart pattern
May 08, 2024

Trading Central has detected a "MACD" chart pattern formed on Finlay Minerals Ltd (FYL:TSXV). This bullish signal indicates that the stock price may rise from the close of $0.04.

The MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) plots the difference between a shorter-term (12-bar) and a longer-term (26-bar) exponential moving average (EMA). Bullish and bearish events are generated respectively as the MACD fluctuates above and below zero to indicate whether prices in the shorter term are stronger or weaker than the longer term average.

A 9-period EMA of the MACD is overlayed as a "signal line" which smooths out the MACD to provide a clearer view of whether it's moving upward or downward. A bullish event is generated when the MACD crosses above the signal line, showing that the current MACD is actually higher than its average, a sign of increasing strength for the price. The opposite is true for bearish events which signal decreasing strength in price as the MACD crosses below the signal line showing that it's now below average.

This bullish pattern can be seen on the following chart and was detected by Trading Central proprietary pattern recognition technology.

Price Chart - Finlay Minerals Ltd


Finlay Minerals Ltd forms bullish "Commodity Channel Index" chart pattern
May 08, 2024

Trading Central has detected a "Commodity Channel Index" chart pattern formed on Finlay Minerals Ltd (FYL:TSXV). This bullish signal indicates that the stock price may rise from the close of $0.04.

Tells Me: The price is relatively far from its 20-bar average price.

The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) measures the deviation of the price from its average value (comparing to a chosen moving average, typically 20 bars). The oscillator is normalized by dividing by the typical deviation, so we get an oscillator fluctuating roughly between +100 and -100. Many traders use these as overbought(+100)/oversold(-100) markers and watch for signs of reversal, but original use was to consider long positions when CCI is above +100 (bullish event), and short when below -100 (bearish event). When the price crosses back in between +100 and -100, another event is triggered to indicate an end to the prior bullish or bearish situation and a possible opportunity to close out such a position.

This bullish pattern can be seen on the following chart and was detected by Trading Central proprietary pattern recognition technology.

Price Chart - Finlay Minerals Ltd

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