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Finlay Minerals Ltd V.FYL

Alternate Symbol(s):  FYMNF

Finlay Minerals Ltd. is a Canada-based mining company. It is focused on the exploration and development of base and precious metal deposits in northern British Columbia. Its properties include Silver Hope Property, ATTY property, and PIL Gold Property. Its 100%-owned Silver Hope property covers approximately 213.11 square kilometers of ground surrounding the past-producing Equity Silver Mine in the prospective Skeena Arch region of central British Columbia. Its 100%-owned ATTY property covers approximately 44.98 square kilometers of sub-alpine terrain in the southern Toodoggone region. Its PIL-Gold Property covers approximately 170 square kilometers of highly prospective ground in the Toodoggone mining district of north-central British Columbia. The PIL Property is 25 km northwest of the former Kemess South Mine and property and is 15 kilometers (km) east of Benchmark Metal’s Lawyer’s Project. It also owns SAY Property, which comprises 18 mineral tenures totaling 10,587 hectares.

TSXV:FYL - Post by User

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  • ErinBrockovichX
Post by ErinBrockovichon Nov 06, 2024 6:57am
Post# 36298237

Trumps Impact

Trumps Impact

Trumps Impact On Gold and Silver

Crypto is moving up on the news. I think this will show the way for gold and silver. Give it time. It will go up. 

From silver Santa and hot potato 

Trump has been elected as the new USA president. The DXY is up with +1.53% and the precious metals don't like that much. 
The truth is that Trump will need to print money. He wants to reduce inflation, but it is not clear how he can do that as he will need to print money. He wants to abolish the income tax, but that will mean more debt and the need to print more money. #GOLD #SILVER 
Today there is the FED meeting. If they cut rates as expected, then that will be bullish for the precious metals #SILVER and #GOLD.
Tomorrow there is the CHINA meeting. If they confirm the big $1,000B stimulus program, then that will be bullish for the industrial metals #SILVER and #COPPER.
I think that #GOLD and #SILVER will continue to go up, once the dust settles.

Metals sell off is a mistake by the mkt. His tarrif policies are basically inflationary. Also his build back manufacturing initiatives. Fiscal will be up, interest rates are going to be down and inflation will be up. I don't see any way money supply doesn't increase in the coming years. USA will dilute some of their debt via inflation. I think silver will do well with the manufacturing incentives and if Tesla gets a support to get electric cars out more in quantity, it's still good for silver.  Other central banks will surely keep buying gold and metals as they see inflationary pressures. Higher fiscal again restricts higher interest rates... I think precious metals is a very safe bet. But it's volatile for sure

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