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Great Quest Gold Ltd V.GQ

Alternate Symbol(s):  GQMLF

Great Quest Gold Ltd, formerly Great Quest Fertilizer Ltd, is a Canadian mineral exploration company. The Company is focused on the development of African gold projects in Namibia with exposure in Morocco and Mali. The Company’s principal business activities are the exploration and development of exploration and evaluation properties located in Mali, West Africa. The Company’s flagship asset is the Sanoukou Gold Project, encompassing 24 square kilometers (km2) located in the Kayes region in the West of Mali, and developing the Tilemsi Phosphate Project, a 1,206 square kilometer parcel in northeastern Mali, containing high quality phosphate resources amenable to use as direct application fertilizer. The Tilemsi phosphate project is composed of three concessions: Tilemsi, Tarkint Est and Ader Foul.

TSXV:GQ - Post by User

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  • Tree2treeX
Post by Tree2treeon Dec 05, 2021 9:27am
Post# 34199697

Learn to read SEDAR

Learn to read SEDAR"The Company will focus its efforts on its Sanoukou gold properties in Mali and seek strategic alternatives for the Tilemsi Phosphate project."

Efforts?  What efforts?  The company doesn't have the means to make any efforts on anything.

"On February 21, 2018, the Ministry of Mines of Mali re-issued the Sanoukou gold exploration
permit to the Company. The permit is valid for three years with two successive renewals of two
years  each.  During  the  nine  months  ended  September  30,  2021,  the  Company  submitted  a renewal of the Sanoukou permit with the Malian authorities.  The renewal is under consideration and there is no indication that the permit will not be renewed."

Translation: GQ's only gold permit expired in February 2021 and has not been renewed 10 months later.  And there is no indication that it WILL be renewed.  Probably because GQ has totally failed to meet the investment conditions, just like the phosphate permits.  So factually, GQ has no gold permits in Mali or anywhere else.

Not to mention the financials.  GQ is essentially bankrupt with debts over a million and basically zero cash.  Who would agree to provide financing, simply to pay salary arrears to management and other debts, and still have no money to do anything?  Especially when you look at GQ's record of eating money and getting nowhere.

Some people will call this a lottery ticket, but that is generous.  This is like a lottery ticket that you find lying on the ground because it was not a winner and the owner threw it away.
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