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Great Quest Gold Ltd V.GQ

Alternate Symbol(s):  GQMLF

Great Quest Gold Ltd, formerly Great Quest Fertilizer Ltd, is a Canadian mineral exploration company. The Company is focused on the development of African gold projects in Namibia with exposure in Morocco and Mali. The Company’s principal business activities are the exploration and development of exploration and evaluation properties located in Mali, West Africa. The Company’s flagship asset is the Sanoukou Gold Project, encompassing 24 square kilometers (km2) located in the Kayes region in the West of Mali, and developing the Tilemsi Phosphate Project, a 1,206 square kilometer parcel in northeastern Mali, containing high quality phosphate resources amenable to use as direct application fertilizer. The Tilemsi phosphate project is composed of three concessions: Tilemsi, Tarkint Est and Ader Foul.

TSXV:GQ - Post by User

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  • Solo2000X
Post by Solo2000on Jan 23, 2023 9:52pm
Post# 35241314

GQ.V has 50 million ton Potash resource/ $28 Billion US

GQ.V has 50 million ton Potash resource/ $28 Billion US "Great Quest has delineated an inferred resource of 50 million tonnes grading 24.8% P2O5


1 metric ton Potash price 562 US Dollars.


50 million ton Potash resource × 1 metric ton Potash 562 dollars= 28 billion dollars Potash resource.


Plus the company has gold mine.
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