Post by
Candyman on Mar 24, 2021 12:04am
Question to shareholders
I asked this question on CEO.CA $GRAT earlier this evening. With a huge positive response.
Folks I’d like to ask a legit question.
What’s more important to you as a Gratomic investor.
Processing plant commissioning, Partnerships, Lab results, Off take deals, Drilling program, Feasibility study, PEA, NI 43-101, Graduating to more legit Exchanges, Processing Plant Production Capacity increases, Best Graphite Grades for commercial production capacity, Multiple Mines?
I could go on and on, as all of these and much more are in the works. Which in turn will lead to an ever increase in Gratomic’s share price.
What I’m trying to say is.
Be thankful for what Team GRAT is doing.
Because this opportunity doesn’t happen very often.
Have a good night. Cheers all
Comment by
smallcapguy7 on Mar 24, 2021 11:12am
I'd vote for plant commisioning is complete and we are officially mining Aukum graphite!!!! However I think any of those would be sufficient to better reflect where the share price is supposed to be
Comment by
TG1960 on Mar 24, 2021 1:53pm
You forgot "all of the above" in your options me some candy now GRAT...$2 gap up is in the cards near term mes thinks.
Comment by
chry200030 on Mar 24, 2021 2:45pm
a new upleg started today. $2 is in the cards for this run...
Comment by
TG1960 on Mar 24, 2021 7:03pm
Credit Suisse has been a stealthy buyer of the GRAT. 15,500 today....0 sells....$1.43 avg. 184,400 the past 7 days....0 sells....$1.36 avg. 378,335 the past 30 days....0 sells...$1.45 avg.