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Grid Metals Corp V.GRDM

Alternate Symbol(s):  MSMGF

Grid Metals Corp. is focused on both lithium and copper/nickel projects in the Bird River area, about 150 kilometers (km) northeast of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Donner lithium project is a 75% owned property subject to a joint venture agreement. The MM copper/nickel project is a resource-stage project that is undergoing exploration and development work. All the Company’s southeastern Manitoba projects are located on the traditional lands of the Sagkeeng First Nation, with whom the Company maintains an exploration agreement. The Donner project is located about 145 km northeast of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Its Falcon West Lithium Property is located within the West Hawk Lake Greenstone Belt of southeastern Manitoba. The MM Project includes a copper-rich (Mayville) and a nickel-rich (Makwa) disseminated magmatic sulfide deposit along with three additional near-surface deposits (Page, Ore Fault, and New Manitoba). Its other projects include East Bull Lake palladium project, and Mayville PGE Zone.

TSXV:GRDM - Post by User

Post by plimbo23on Nov 01, 2024 12:07am
Post# 36291799



``Is There a Short-Term Opportunity?

There may be a short-term opportunity at hand. Despite the long-term investment outlook for lithium miners, many producers of this critical mineral have seen their stock prices drop considerably in 2024. Given the scale of this descent juxtaposed with the stark demand-supply imbalance in the upcoming years, lithium miners may be well positioned going forward. This means that investors who want to add an allocation to lithium miners to their portfolio may have an opportunity to do so at prices significantly lower than 2023. ``

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