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Gensource Potash Corp V.GSP

Alternate Symbol(s):  AGCCF

Gensource Potash Corporation is a fertilizer development company. The Company is focused on developing resource opportunities with a specific focus on potash development. Its projects include the Tugaske Project, Lazlo Area, and Vanguard Area Project. The Tugaske Project is the Company’s advanced potash project. It has completed a full, bankable feasibility study and a follow-on front-end engineering and design study (FEED). The Lazlo Area is located in central Saskatchewan along an infrastructure corridor between the major population centers of Saskatoon and Regina. The Area is located over a thick and rich region of the Prairie Evaporite formation known locally as the Davidson Sub-basin. The Vanguard Area is located in central Saskatchewan and comprises two mineral leases, KL244 and KL245, and Potash Permit, SMP200. SMP200, which abuts existing Company leases, is about 7,180 hectares and represents a direct addition to mineral leases KL244 and KL245 in the Company’s Vanguard Area.

TSXV:GSP - Post by User

Comment by habsguyon Dec 27, 2024 12:24pm
Post# 36378511

RE:Happy Festivus

RE:Happy FestivusTO..wins the cup....HAHA..lmfao......67..67..67..67....

Padcom update....Dec.20...Brandon Sun....
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