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Gossan Resources Ltd V.GSS

Alternate Symbol(s):  GSSRF

Gossan Resources Limited holds mineral exploration and development properties located in Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario, and Newfoundland. Its projects include Sturgeon lake zinc property, Gander Gold Property, Inwood dolomite, Pipestone project, Bird river project, Separation rapids project and royalty interest in the Manigotagan deposit. It is focused on its drill-ready Glitter Property, located in the zinc-copper-silver rich polymetallic Sturgeon Lake Greenstone Belt of Northwestern Ontario, and the Gander Gold Property in Newfoundland which covers over 8,875-hectares, in addition to the 975-hectare Weir Pond and 1,050-hectare Island Pond Properties. Its properties are prospective for hosting gold, base metals and platinum group elements, as well as specialty green-battery metals, vanadium, titanium, tantalum, lithium and chromium. It has a deposit of high-purity, magnesium-rich dolomite, and holds advance and production royalty interests in a high-purity silica sand deposit.

TSXV:GSS - Post by User

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  • ernesto47X
Post by ernesto47on Jun 16, 2021 10:24am
Post# 33394893

too funny....

too funny....I just had the same idea, when I picked those 50K shares just been offered.
Good luck vette!
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