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Hank Payments Corp V.HANK

Alternate Symbol(s):  HNKPF

Hank Payments Corp. provides consumer fintech software-as-a-service (SaaS) and banking-as-a-service (BaaS) platforms that manage consumer cash flow and budgets on an automated basis using proprietary algorithms that collect, store and disburse cash as required to discharge obligations in a timely fashion. The Hank stack provides for several vertical market applications of the technology, with features specific to channels and enterprise accounts (Partners) that allow those partners to operate new lines of business and revenue streams, using Hank. The Company houses the complex technology, banking, treasury, customer service, sales and operations teams that acquire and service consumers. The Company acquires users through various channels, including small to medium-sized enterprises (the SME Partners) and large enterprise businesses (the Enterprise Partners). It provides solutions for education, lenders, automotive, equity builders and fintechs.

TSXV:HANK - Post by User

Post by tinkvidon Nov 05, 2024 9:06am
Post# 36296745

HANK.V - Hank Payments Corp and Takeover Bid Tender TBC!!

HANK.V - Hank Payments Corp and Takeover Bid Tender TBC!!Looks like there is some validity to this challenge on the part of Melrose Ventures and Michael Trimarco.
Sometimes these disputes work out in favour of the company like the dispute between Dye & Durham and Engine Capital, share price had been suppressed and then the claim from Engine Capital surfaces and the share price appreciates.

Its a good sign when parties are battling for control, cause you don't fight over something that is worthless or has no potential.

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