Post by
uograd on May 24, 2023 11:26am
well let's throw ed a bone
i congratulate him on signing a deal as that is a step in the right direction and probably means that the third party has validated that yes their is helium in 15-25 and probably in 14-23
however, there is no mention of where the 10 million is going to come from to build the plant so without the second the first ain't worth a darn
so in my mind this likely means that first helium will soon be sold to another entity that has the money to bring this home and can pound first helium into the ground on valuation pick up the assets for next to nothing and turn these assets into a commercial success.
otherwise what a 60 million share pp at .20 for raise the money to build it? will never happen so a buyout is coming maybe in the 30 range would be my call roughly a 50 per cent gain from here but a massive loss for most investors but better than .15 anf no hope.