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Imaflex Inc V.IFX

Alternate Symbol(s):  IFLXF

Imaflex Inc. is focused on the development and manufacturing of solutions for the flexible packaging and agriculture industries. The Company’s products consist primarily of polyethylene (plastic) film and bags, including metalized plastic film, for the industrial, agricultural and consumer markets. Its polyethylene films are mainly sold to printers known as converters, who process the film into a finished product to meet their end-customer needs. Additionally, its films are sold directly to customers to protect and market their own products or bought by distributors for re-sale. Its agricultural films are finished products, predominantly sold directly by the Company to growers. Its portfolio includes common mulch, compostable and fumigant barrier films, as well as metalized crop protection films that add pest/weed control and/or accelerated growth benefits beyond those provided by its common mulch films. It has manufacturing facilities in Canada and the United States.

TSXV:IFX - Post by User

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Comment by Ciaoon Nov 28, 2024 11:29am
Post# 36335683


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:EarningsTrading appeared to be odd today at one point. The offers were all being taken out up to $1.55 on about 150K shares, then orders hit the ask to drop it to $1.40 on about 10K shares. The VWAP was $1.51 up to that time. Beacon Securities just did a 75K cross at $1.50. Hmmm...
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