This is utter bullsh-it - If there are major players on this play - where were they when the price was easy buying up to the next level ? It sat - and didn't go up - Gotta love that....
Just look at our price - PYD has had plenty of time to accumulate shares in a buyback - and like Joe had stated in a prior post - they earn in USD - and the stock is in CDN - a significant discount if ever they thought of buying back shares. Hell - other companies do it - look at China - Those exchanges almost enforced companies to do a buyback.... Hello ! What's with North America - and the ROLLER RIDES - ? Its more like - take the investors money - use investors to fund businesses - gain in assets and grow - and then fff em over in the end.... ????
Someone posted this morning - a $2.20 target ? Again..... i would need sound information that the company is sitting on something to garner a perfect guarantee - that would enforce it would reach such a targeted price point - Hell even $1.00 would suffice - but - where's the guarantee - ???
So far.. i see no guarantee - as we all know in trading - Prices are investor dependent - then throw in lots of resistence.... i would like to see a solid guarantee - something ot the tune of - HEY Shareholders - we have something good in the works- and it will not only guarantee a price stability after a roller- but it will move it beyond imagination after the roller consolo -
Lets just say.... I don't feel all rosy when i hear i might have 10 times less shares.... and about 10 monthsa after my intial buy in ....
1 - They chalked up over
3 million in Q-3 (with partial tax back - kick back )
2 - They just secured
4.5 million from PDS - like what's happening with that money ? Absolutely no news on those funds.
3 - And of course
Q-4 has about 2.1 million - so far - TBD.
4 - Is this a BLUFF ? to do a buyback - or the real deal - and head shaker ?
5 - Why do the shareholders have take the bite on cash investment with no sound guarantee ?
7 - Shareholders fund the majority of it - Even though there is private funding that kicked their fair share of cash in - the significant amount of shares sold in share offerings did it - made it happen -
8 - So why should shareholders have to suffer - with no - absolutely no hint at all - that PYD has something big planned - that will guarantee a catapult of SP - to provide a safety - so shareholders could be confident - and say well... o.k. but only if on the - back nine - after the consolodation - they have huge news - like really huge - alreasy secued - that will dwarf the present status of the company and like - grow it 5 times bigger - even 10 times ?
I would be in favor - if there was something huge that was guaranteed - but again look at hte percentages ofprice now and gians ot be made - vs a stock at .50 cents and what increases are needed inorder to gain the same.... THERE IS NO COMPARISION.... PERIOD.
A 5 cent stock and each time it increases buy 1 cent is far more advantageous than a .50 cent stock and its gains....
05 cent stock gains 10% when it rises to .055 cents
.50 cent stock has to rise to .55 cents in order otachieve the same 10%
On the same platform or exchange and using 1/2 penny increments - that 10 times 1/2 penny increases to acvhieve the same... .
9 - This company just- just - just - begun - and not even a year after the share offerings - the company is considering a consolodation of 10-1 ? Was this all along the plan ?
Get as many shares as possible and then roll them back ?
10 - I'm not ffffffffffff impressed at all -
11 - i did read of one person on their staff that did this SORT OF CONSOLO with in another company - and yes - though that company did sky rocket in price - - - - - - it does not suggest that pyd at present will sky rocket in price - - - - - given the current economic status..... Different times different results....
12 - i bought a significant amount of shares - beleiving that the company would finance all their machine placements - not suck the share vault dry....
13 - i was somewhat pissed - when the share offerings were under way - to discover - there were two - yes 2 rounds of offerings - which i only thought would be one round -
14 - i was doubley pissed - when i found out Tonkawa 600 machines - that contract was tacked on with Integrity -
15 - i was thirdly pissed - when i found out that 5 million was added to the over all purchase price of Integrity with the renovations of Tonkawa - all these extra add ons -
16 - I can't beleive PYD is actually considering a roll back - and with all that cash in hand - and not once paying tribute ot shareholders - and saying.. they'd like to do a buyback with cash in hand - and @ 100,000,000 million shares bought bacck @ 5 cents = 5 million dollars
and if converted to CDN - its then a mere - $3.8 million USD.....
Like where is that idea - why is this idea not being considered ? A buyback ? Is this a one track mind set ? All fixated on the easy way - without care for the shareohlders ?
17 - So if 3.8 million could purchase 100 million shares - double it up - $7.6 million - USD - purchases 200 million shares - leaving 145 million shares out....
18 - with 200 million shares in their custody - that would show confidence in thier own company = after all - the current news with con solo - states pyd has a sense of confidence with their current business operations - hey - they're proud they're doing well - and that ....
19 - That brings me to my next question - if companies are doing well - do they - roll back shares ? Or do they keep growing and move forward .....
A - Advertising ? Where the hell is our advertising ? Get their name known
B - Spend a lil funds $$$ on promotions and get other investors interested
C - Keep growing and
D - Buy back some shares - to show confidence - and no not 100k at a time - lol
E - Or do thery sit back stop advertising - and do nothing - hey we all know what that feels like
F - Or - Take the easy road -keep cash in hand - and consolodate the shares?
Usually companies that can't make money - do consolos - so if pyd is making money - then is this just an easy fix ? I would like to see a guarantee - what do they have planned firstly -
If pyd came forth and told us a lil more of whats going on - the news has been thin - future outlook - theres been lots of silence in what plans they have - besides the original - theres been an aweful lot of silence - and with last press our price didn't do so well - which is un fff beleivable ....
and i know and have seen other companies - if they want their price to esacape the bottom feeding penny rats - escape the single digits - then they should do one thing.... they get down to business - they secure major contracts or advancing about the company - and keep it rolling in - till we see 5 news releases per month for like 6 months consecutively ......
Ive always said - there's one thing to run a business - but when it comes ot advertising - letting other knows - its a whole other game to gain a following - yes..... its a whole other world when it comes to advertising .... PYD started good -and went flat.... right when there suppose to kick it up and really advertise.... hmmm !
I beleive pyd is doing well - but delivering news in sporatic dumps - will not advance a stock prtice... there is too much resistence out there - and to fight that ressitence .... it takes tons of news like 5 7 news releases - per monthly round.... Ive seen other companies do it .... and it seems to spark interst along with ample advertising .... - and when investors see consistent news - they gain a confidence - and thr stock price moves.. pretty simple -
Suppose pyd gained a good contract - and with 750 machines - then i'd send out the news in 150 per news release - No - i would state al l750 art once - it difuses the news and its all over till results come in - instead - i would say .... pyd is deploying 150 - and then another press - another 150 - then - anpther 150 - i would do this 5 times - than just once.... and then a tally total - stating total contractonce all deployed -750 - slot machines.... when theres limited news -there is nothing to support the price- especually in todays society - seems most want news and excitement every day.... the minute a stock sits idel with no news.. its fair game to chip away at share holder confidence... hence my idea of having a system that if a company asdvances or grows a guaranteed price movement occurs and with a set pricve that it cant lower any further - i think this free frawl trading places companies and shareholders in a postiio0n of roll back choices.... it supports such a system.. .my way - would eliminate roll back - outcomes - placing the shareholder with a higher value to the company - and company gaining in price accordingly to a third party who is unbiased - and whe nyou think about it - would this be al lhappening if a system a[praised comoanies accordingly to the formula and if so - would this be haooening if our stock was priced to where pros have assessed it ? I think our stock would have a far greater chance in escaping a roller ride - again - such a present system seems to box in companies - whereas they have no choice but to use the roll back methodogy.... All because their stock is not valuated upon each advacning... and if valuation formulas state its worth more - but its not shwoing in price.. wheres the flaw >???
We al lknow what happens to news on the stock board- after one day its all said and done - 2 fgood days of stock movement if your lucky.... so we wait 4 months for 1 day of movement and nothing really happens ?????
Just like the acquisition of Integrity -= we seen lots of trade ressitence - and it cooked our price from rising - after seeing that- does the news become old fast - ???? You bet it does....
So - such news - must be prepared to counter the resistence - and dispersed accordingly....
More of it - stretched out - to counter resistence if resistence is present... Some stocks are lucky - some have no resistence....
At the end of the day.... I sure wish they'd consider a buy back of shares...
I'd rather see PYD have in thier hands 200 million shares - what would that look like to investors ? A confidence in company .... After all the new news out kinda relays such a confidence in 2016 going forward - so..... why a buy back ? If the company is supposidely doing well and projected ot do well - why notstaythe course.... ?
If they did - it would be far more benificial seeing a company holding lots of its own STOCK- and once the stock did rise - it then becomes advantageous to the company - the higher the stock price the more captial the company has - owned in shares - to later sell and grow al the more... Again... .9 months after Integrity ? hmmmm !
If the consolo goes through - it will take the stock going to $3 dollars - an equivelent price point - to where i wanted to exit the stock - compared to what i have now and where i wanted to exit at a resonable price point - and very close to where others have stated a projection.
Can pyd guarantee me that the consolo will take this stock to $3 dollars - ??????
Do they have that ACE CARD - incredible news on hold - servera lor major contracts secured like now - right now - and after the consolo - release the BOX OFFICE NEWS- - to provide a guarantee that the price would jump- - like really jump - and keep moving up \?\
If not.. then this so called roller ride - im NOT in support of....
Again... this is not the good ole days of stock investing...Its not an new entry - IPO - this stock now has a history - and a lot of shares and is just begining to gain in revenues ... So - is this such a good move ?
Are we being let down the garden path ? Again - show me a guarantee - thatthey have something big - REALLY BIG - that will take this stock to a whole new level .... And that would take incredible news - and i have to think only one good thing... what are they doing with their money they've made - money PDS gave them... and now - Q4 AND Q 1 -
I shudder the thought....!
What next after consolo ? A buyout and still get ffff'ed over...... yet again ?
Sorry ot think this.... I have toooooo ! Seems investors are al lon thier own in these shark infested stock ponds.... Who knows - anymore ..... !!!
Didn't Macy state that such a consolo idea - wasn't even at the board level discussion - not even being considered - and BAM ! Now it is ? ( info from poster on board )
Again - not even 9 months after the Integrity acquisition - and a roller ride is considered ?
What the ffff ? Not even a share buyback is considered ?
Do i have faith in PYD ? Yes and No - its seems its become rather confusing....
Will there be more shareholder slams in the future - like a buyout after the 10 - 1 roll ?
What's al lgoing on?
Can pyd guarantee us they wont sell us out after the consolo - like what if the price drops - hate to be that slap happy naieve twinkie - but - my eyes are wide the fff open - and thinking of al the what if's....
Can pyd guarantee us there will be significant news - even greater than what has happened thus far like 10x more powerful moves thatwill take the stock beyond dollar status ?
What would our valuation be then - if a consolo did occur?
Will the market treat the stock innediately - adjust it immediately - beyond the .50 cents due to the less amount of shares - or is it still investor dependent to rise the price ?
Hence - my wish of seeing a market hird party value stocks - based on a set formula -and not being so investor dependent -
and instead of taking it from 5 cents - or if it drops will the price be from 3.5 or ????
Who determines the final number - is there an averaging - for price point ot do a roll back ?
And once its rolled - can pyd guarantee us it will rise even more? they need ot build a lil more confidence in its shareholders to allow us a comfort zone - of knowing more of whats going on....
Set up for a buyout ? Consolo happens price drop further - and they're scooped up ?
Sure would make it easy for a buyout.... HMMMM !
My main question is ..... if its 5 cents and a 10 to 1 roll occurs - it will go to 50 cents -
what will our valuation be then ? based on only 35 million shares out ? (approx)
Will our board be filled with nay sayers who always seem to have a smart a-ss answer - and always crush the reason as to why the stock is stagnenet or wont rise ....
if the stock sits @ .50 cents- then i'd like someone to show mee the numbers of $10 million EBITDA - 2016 - and 35 million shares out - cash they have supposidely in hand - q-3 q-4 and PDS - like ... why not a buyback ????? hmmmmm !
If there's no really big news - multiple news - to guarantee and protect the new price from a rollback status onward.. and no big news lots of news - and like beyond multiple news to get the price immediately over a dollar - THEN I SAY - FFFF IT .... I stand a greater chance in exiting at my entry than play this game of prestige with no guarantee... Results are needed by cvompany - and advertising and news in the multiples.... Teaching investors that the shares out have worth attached to assets - almost like a cancellation - teaching investor to look athigh volumes of shares out and not including asset value - is like teaching investors to dismiss a tangible valueand strictly focus on a negative.... Too much fixation on a shares out negative -begets - favors - roll backs... At least i see it this way..... Newbie !
I'm not happy - with my stocks - they're down and they suck - and theres never any guaranteee - So - i want more of a guaranteee from pyd that something big is in the works - if so - then i might change my mind - otherwise if theyre hping the offical release of q-4 and q-1 will be the push and suppoort for new .50 cent price - then i say.. . its pretty weak idea.... it will take lots more ot drive this puppy really up - andthat means major news and lots of it ... nonstop....
Otherwise - who knows what is in store after a consolo - i have little faith.... I need more of a guarantee.. . and all i cant think of is the mon ies they have still in hand from PDS- and their own monies.... ???????
My hopeful idea was they do a buy back or another company comes in - and since the stock is at a cheap price - buy up lots of shares - and the new company forms a partnership - holding lots of shares of pyd - a partnership -
Companies who are making moniesbuy back shares - other companies roll back for self gain - very few succeed whe na roll back occurs - and like i suggested - there has to be some sort of news that supports the new roller price andthen some sort of news in the multiples - that takes it sky high.... if they're thinking q-4 and q-1 will do it .... i will be greatly disappointed.... it will be the same sh-it happening whatwe have now.. .they advance and grow and press out 2.1 million - and atleast we grew in price by a whole 1 cent 1.5 cent.... that is better than nothing.... on the other roller side - if no super duper news is secured - the sharks will gladly attact the new roller price and - again - if they dont have something incredible and in the multiples.. .it could work against them...
Cheers !