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Infinico Metals V.INFM

Infinico Metals Corp. is focused on the exploration for critical metals in the province of Quebec. The Company has an option agreement on the Nicobi Project, hosting magmatic Ni-Cu-Co sulfide mineralization. The Nicobi Project is a magmatic nickel sulfide project located within a mafic-to-ultramafic intrusive complex in the Abitibi Sub province. The Nicobi property consists of approximately 107 claim and is located over 54 kilometers (km) northeast of Lebel-Sur-Quevillon and three hours’ drive northeast of the mining hub of Val-d’Or.

TSXV:INFM - Post by User

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Post by zack50on Apr 29, 2024 2:23pm
Post# 36013119

Sam Walding, discusses the Company's latest results....

Sam Walding, discusses the Company's latest results....
“We’ve been able to demonstrate that we can deliver results quickly, effectively and under budget. Our phase 1 drill program intercepted just under 52 meters at 1.37% nickel which is one of the best nickel sulphide intercepts of the year. Furthermore, we've generated numerous geophysical and geological targets on the property which we'll look to follow up on later this year with further drilling with the objective of expanding the known mineralization and making new discoveries. So all and all it's a busy schedule and an exciting time for the company going forward."  - CEO, Sam Walding

Infinico Metals CEO, Sam Walding, discusses the Company's latest results from the borehole electromagnetic (BHEM) surveys completed during the January 2024 drill program at Nicobi Magmatic Nickel Sulphide Project in Quebec. Check it out at the link below.

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