Comment by dart321on Feb 01, 2023 1:42pm

Post# 35260043
RE:News Release
RE:News Release Do any of you pumpsters know what you are doing? Do you know what it takes to build the facility? Do you know the steps involved to build something that utilizes chemicals in it's manufacturing process? Do you know the permitting involved and how long it takes? Do you have a cost analysis and buget for the construction, cost of the land, permitting, advertising, sales force ect... Give us a break understand what has to be done long before any sales happens. You say funding, you have any clue on the cost involved with this kind of startup. Remember three years ago Ray I tried to explain all this to you, remember! I don't debait the product will sell but please higher someone that knows what they are doing and start doing a massive amount of pp's you're going to need millions upon millions.