Post by phantom666on Jul 21, 2023 5:17pm

Post# 35552231
Seeing the NR Today
Seeing the NR Todaybrought back memories of when Ray thought Bromley Creek Zeolite was "The next best thing to sliced bread"!
If you don't reconize the name that's cuz IZ had 7 other name changes
How many decktops were worn out by laying back with your feet on them, sipping your Latte, while letting everyone else do all the work??
And still can't make it work!
On October 18, 2001, Canadian Zeolite and C2C Zeolite Corporation entered into a Licensing and Production Agreement, which covered the processing and manufacturing of the cement additiveZeoFume in Canada.
The terms of the agreement were that Canadian Zeolite (then operating as Zeo-Tech) would pay a 10% royalty of sales to C2C while C2C Zeolite would assume responsibility for all technical support, marketing and the sales of PZM zeolite products.
I won't go into United Zeolite Products