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International Zeolite Corp V.IZ

Alternate Symbol(s):  IZCFF

International Zeolite Corp. is a vertically integrated industrial minerals company. Its principal business activities are the exploration and development of mineral properties and the development, marketing and sales of industrial commercial products from the production of its properties and the supply of raw materials from third party suppliers. Its segments include exploration and development, and retail and commercial sales. It has a Zeolite project in the Bromley Creek area located near Princeton, British Columbia (the Bromley Creek Zeolite Project). It holds 640.21 hectares of mineral claims leased from the British Columbia government. The Bromley Creek Zeolite Project consists of a total of one mineral lease and four mineral claims. Its products include NEREA and Natural Zeolite. NEREA is a material and method of direct crop and plant agronomy, offering an alternative to the hydroponics technique. Its products have applications in agriculture, industrial and home use.

TSXV:IZ - Post by User

Post by dart321on Nov 21, 2024 6:02pm
Post# 36324883

So what is it

So what is itdown to 0.005 cents by years end? Big tax loss selling? Will it stay listed? Will he stay as CEO or will he step down? Will he be able to finance enough to keep the doors open? Only time will tell how long this will last!!!!!!
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