Comment by dart321on Dec 29, 2024 7:45pm

Post# 36380246
RE:RE:Well Smallbuyer
RE:RE:Well SmallbuyerIf you're talking to me smallmind, you are right I am nolonger a shareholder haven't been for some time now and never will be again if ray is runing the show. Hinda says it all when a ceo has been the boss for over 30 years and has done nothing for shareholders. I like it when he thinks he is pulling the wool of your eyes and you fall for it. When he is gone then maybe but nothing will happen till then his rep has been so tarnished that it's impossible to raise any capital with him at the helm I suspect. If they try to spin out an asset with him still in charge it will likely fall flat on it's face. I think the only question that remains for this company is. Will he go down with the ship and delist or will he give up the rains in total. It would be my guess it's going to delist at some time in the near future because he will never give up control. Have a great investment year in 2025 eveyone and I hope you all make huge profits.