Comment by dart321on Jan 03, 2025 3:50pm

Post# 36386702
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Happy new year everyone!
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Happy new year everyone!Like I said slick it's not the product, the investment world knows about this management team. The word is all over the street they will in my opinion never raise enough money to put this into production, they will never ink a reputable company to partner with again until they replace management and drop this intrest induced debt to insiders. Pump all the bs you want the facts are all there in black and white. read past news releases then look at what happened after those news releases. Then ask yourself did they have a shred of truth to them? This game is all about "TRUST and TRACK RECORDS"! So ask yourself does this management team have either? Personally I like ray as a man but as a CEO I never will again!