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RediShred Capital Corp V.KUT

Alternate Symbol(s):  RDCPF

Redishred Capital Corp. is the owner of the PROSHRED, PROSCAN and secure e-Cycle brands, trademarks, and intellectual property in the United States. The Company operates through three segments: the granting and managing of shredding business franchises under the Proshred trademark (Franchising and Licensing); the operation of corporately owned shredding businesses (Corporate Locations); and supporting the franchises and corporately owned shredding businesses (Corporate). It digitizes, secures, shreds, and recycles confidential documents and proprietary materials for thousands of customers in the United States in all industry sectors. It grants PROSHRED and PROSCAN franchise businesses in the United States and by way of a license arrangement in the Middle East. It also operates 17 corporate businesses directly. The Company's services include home office shredding services, residential shredding services, hard drive destruction services, drop-off shredding services, and others.

TSXV:KUT - Post by User

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  • LWillingdonX
Post by LWillingdonon May 11, 2024 5:29pm
Post# 36035450

new to this group

new to this groupbought in last week at 2.70.  this was recommended some time ago on BNN  but now that i watch the volume im not so sure. best of luck i will ilkely exit asap. The proposed 4$ per share doesnt appear super legit. i dont own many and likely able to exit   thos e that own more i wish you well. 
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