Post by Moremoney4uon Aug 18, 2022 7:18am

Post# 34904084
LOTS OF CASHThey have a ton of cash, ready to buy a accretive producer, not more land, they will put more rigs to work on the very prolific land they own, PROVIDING more earnings, etc. EARLY stages of their development, they have done this before many times, bought and sold for 5 times their inital investment. MGMT. AND ERIC are very much involved. ERIC thinks very highly of MGMT., AND HOLDS a lot of stock. It will POP very soon, with the volume increasing and move up sharply. STILL in .60 cent range, should be trading in 1.00 $$$ range , earnings are good , FCF, ETC., LOAD UP THE TRUCK and hang on for a quick move upward. 250,000 shares and adding.