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Lucero Energy Corp V.LOU

Alternate Symbol(s):  PSHIF

Lucero Energy Corp. is a Canada-based independent oil company. The Company is focused on the acquisition, development, and production of oil-weighted assets in the Bakken and Three Forks formations in the Williston Basin area of North Dakota. It provides pure-play development exposure to a portfolio of oil-in-place projects in the core and most economic part of the Bakken and Three Forks play in North Dakota. The Bakken is a complete petroleum system with source rock featuring multiple stacked zones accessible for development: Middle Bakken, Three Forks, Pronghorn/Sanish and Lodgepole.

TSXV:LOU - Post by User

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  • Sunset48X
Comment by Sunset48on Jan 15, 2023 11:48am
Post# 35224237

RE:RE:Selling will end soon !

RE:RE:Selling will end soon !My goodness!
This feels like a long day in the dental chair, enjoying a root canal!   It's a long process but I'm almost certain it's going to be much better in the long run.   Just wishing someone else would have enjoyed the root canal for me.
I'm holding and staying positive. I can almost see a light on the end of the tunnel.  Good luck to all longs.  "Hanging in for better days"

Nothing techinical to add.  Just trying to add some positive energy!!!
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