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Lake Victoria Gold Ltd V.LVG

Alternate Symbol(s):  LVGLF

Lake Victoria Gold Ltd. is a gold exploration and development company. The Company is principally focused on the prospective Lake Victoria Goldfield in Tanzania. The Company has a 100% interest in the Tembo project which has over 50 thousand meters of drilling and is located adjacent to Barrick’s 20 Moz Bulyanhulu Mine. The Company has one remaining license of 32 square kilometers on the Tembo Project located in northwest Tanzania. Its Imwelo Gold Project is a gold project located in northern Tanzania immediately to the west of Geita Gold Mine of Anglogold Ashanti. The Imwelo Project is held under a Tanzanian mining license ML538/2015 (ML) and includes a primary mining license PML2637 (PML). The ML is approximately 3.85 square kilometers and the PML is 8.5021 hectares. Its Dora License is contiguous to the Imwelo Gold Project. The Dora License (PL11953/2022 of 19 square kilometers) borders the Imwelo Mining License to the west, east and south.

TSXV:LVG - Post by User

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  • VolcaniceventX
Post by Volcaniceventon Oct 06, 2022 6:54pm
Post# 35010953

Eccellent addition to a strong team

Eccellent addition to a strong teamThe appointment of Hendrik Meiring as Exploration Project Manager is an excellent move.  This sleeper of a stock will have many years of local geological and mine knowledge that will add incredible strength to the future of Tembo....a stock few have heard about...and that will change
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