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Mobio Technologies Inc V.MBO

Mobio Technologies Inc. is a Canada-based company. The Company's primary line of business is Media Inc. (Strutta), a social promotions platform that allows brands to run contests and sweepstakes across multiple social Web channels. Strutta's Promotions application programming interface (API) provides a technology platform that facilitates social media competitions and campaigns for global brands. It also owns Twenty Year Media, which is a media and technology company developing advanced technologies for the entertainment and motion picture sector. Twenty Year Media owns and operates Emerging Pictures, a United States-based all-digital film and alternative content distribution network. In addition, the Company invests in business-to-business (B2B) software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies and early-stage seed funds.

TSXV:MBO - Post by User

Post by Pandoraon Sep 03, 2024 10:39pm
Post# 36207364


Do you suppose this might indicate an end to the "Halted" notice on this? Do you also suppose we could actually see a 20 cent price for shares if a person is really nimble or are they going to slide one more consolidation on us before it trades? I have so few shares left from about 3 consolidations that it won't even cover a broker's fee --- if he insists on applying it for a nothing value. He may get to buy a Tim's coffee with the proceeds - certainly not a Starbucks.
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