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Mobio Technologies Inc V.MBO

Mobio Technologies Inc. is a Canada-based company. The Company's primary line of business is Media Inc. (Strutta), a social promotions platform that allows brands to run contests and sweepstakes across multiple social Web channels. Strutta's Promotions application programming interface (API) provides a technology platform that facilitates social media competitions and campaigns for global brands. It also owns Twenty Year Media, which is a media and technology company developing advanced technologies for the entertainment and motion picture sector. Twenty Year Media owns and operates Emerging Pictures, a United States-based all-digital film and alternative content distribution network. In addition, the Company invests in business-to-business (B2B) software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies and early-stage seed funds.

TSXV:MBO - Post by User

Post by Pandoraon Nov 07, 2024 8:24pm
Post# 36302272

A New Update!

A New Update!
A new update tells us they are  still working on an agreement with the moving company. That pretty much tells us how effective the management group are. How many months, years has it been since MBO was halted? Before being halted they did, I think, 3 consolidations which pretty much wiped out all of my shares. I have a small handhold but I cannot sell out of it because it is halted. I am also holding a few of the Plank shares and I will get rid of both if MBO ever gets to trade again.
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