Post by
Rubberband on Feb 10, 2021 12:09pm
Hey that is great 1 Stockwatcher, so let me get this straight you bought at 6 sold all your free shares and come to the board and bash the hell out of investors who truly feel good about where they feel the company is going in the near future. We all know their product is amazing we all know they have not put cash on the sheets that we all want to see, but hey look at me I'm still here after all these years waiting patiently cause I believe they are in the best position that they have ever been in. And oops if I lose a 120K of well at least it was a great try, but I am not going to lay the donkey dung on everytime I put a post here. Take Care All. Rubberband. P.S. Maybe when we break .15-.16 life expectancy will change.
Comment by
Swampcat27 on Feb 10, 2021 12:13pm
but he does have valid point..... like, Wheres ths Beef ???
Comment by
Swampcat27 on Feb 10, 2021 12:21pm
or at least, can we get up to .17 - .19 , maybe .20 ; but that might a little optimistic. I still think if this is such an "breakthrough" technology , where are the Big Investors to help promote the technology ? Surely someone would jump on the train...
Comment by
hopefull on Feb 10, 2021 3:45pm
I just think it's poorly marketed. Looking forward to hear their new communications company deliver consistent news. I'm sure this will help.