Comment by
EdwardBlake on Jul 29, 2021 8:54am
5$ is a pipe dream, until we prove mgm has a monster by the tail.If AEM was smart they would pounce now and steal mgm for 0.80-1.00.
Comment by
Hedberg77 on Jul 29, 2021 9:42am
Yep - can't disagree with you. That said, admittedly, I find that occasionally airing a pipe dream (e.g. $5/share) offers (albeit minimal) a chuckle as well as a fleck of therapeutic value amidst the waiting game. Best to all :)
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jdgreat1 on Jul 29, 2021 10:56am
Yeah Let us do this EAGLE! Few doallars sounds great for me for now !:) In future, I am not sure. Gold is finally turning around after consolidation? Matt, bring on the news to ride the wave and let us see a buck.... It is been a month! Seems incredibly slow on the results. GO MGM!