Comment by nozzpackon Oct 06, 2024 1:32pm

Post# 36255179
RE:new video from katchum
RE:new video from katchumThank you.
We have come a long way , from under performing to very strongly out performing.
We always knew that the value was there but underwent a very frustrating period of experiencing just very small steps until Dato took over .
Since then, the March of value creation has been sustained and is now self sustaining.
Our Murchison assets continue to play no role in our market cap.
That turnaround could be very quick, as the assets are quite substantial , ideally located, and in increasing demand in the absence of signifucant new open pit gold discoveries in Western Auatralia.
Dato knows the mining scene in Australia very well through his copper mines there.
I am confidant that he will unlock the value of Murchison as well.