Comment by nozzpackon Oct 30, 2024 5:17pm

Post# 36289540
RE:RE:Gold at $2793
RE:RE:Gold at $2793You forget that to start Murchison will require more definition drilling of the planned open pit mine.
The milling plant has not operating for over a decade and will require significant upgrades before even commissioning.
Further, Dato is now running the show.
And, WestGold will start by acquiring not our Murchison but Tuckanara via ODY which owns 80 %.
Remember that MMY must pay 20% of the costs of a FS and all the way to production from Tuckanarra.
So it will be quite a bit of leverage that WestGold will have over MMY.
We we're offered 39 m WestGold shares before .
Who would say no..